002Built Up, Not Burnt Out!
I’ve got a bone to pick, and it’s something that you have most likely been exposed to before. But before I get into my main point, let me explain to you a brief history of my own health journey and specifically my main motivations behind training.
In a different life, my main motivations behind training were to punish myself. Stemming from my own insecurities, I wasn’t happy with how I looked and performed. My expectations of myself were unrealistic and I was never good enough, never strong enough, never fast enough, and never jacked enough (the list goes on). It took many years, and just as many injuries for me to realise that I was going about this thing called fitness in the wrong way (despite my Mum’s constant concerns that I needed to “slow down”, I mean come on, what teenage boy listens to their parents).
I can’t remember the exact moment, but the penny dropped for me at some point. Maybe it was when I was lying on the couch, immobilised by a chronic back injury, or maybe it was when I was falling asleep in a uni exam, exhausted by the excessive stress that I was willingly putting on my body, everyday.
The realisation that I had made was this.. What is the point of the sets and reps, the hours in the gym, the laps around the track, the early mornings, the late nights, and the blood sweat and tears, if all of it was leaving me feeling burnt out, and broken down? Shouldn’t your training program build you up? Shouldn’t it give you energy, confidence, strength, and transcend the four walls of the gym? Shouldn't it enable you to experience a life worth living, one that you can attack, and ultimately one where you can be challenged daily and succeed.
At the centre of every program at SLM is the client, and their unique needs and desires. But what remains consistent is this, every program is designed to build you up, elevate you to new levels, and unleash the athlete within. Thus, giving you the confidence, strength and endurance to handle anything life throws at you. We train everything, so we’re ready for anything. Because if we’re not doing this, then what’s the point?